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Posted in Caterpillars Indian Meal Moth Larvae Worms Found in the House

Why Do Moth Larvae Enter People’s Homes?

“Where do the moth larvae come from?” asks this reader in his submission. “Why are they in my house?” He does not attach any photos to his submission, nor does he provide further context, so we do not know exactly which moth larvae he is dealing with. That said, we will nonetheless provide a brief overview of some of the moth larvae people typically find in their home and why and how they end up there. Moths are insects, and like any insect passes through three distinct stages of life: ‘larvahood’, pupation, and finally adulthood (when they have metamorphosed into a moth).

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Posted in Parasite Worms Worms Facts Worms Found in the House

Semi-transparent Larva with Black Head Found on Shower Curtain Could Be Flea Larva

“This worm/larva was found crawling up a shower curtain”, states this reader living North of the 45th parallel. “Any ideas what it might be?” he asks. No further context is provided, but the photo below depicts the white, semi-transparent organism our reader is asking about.

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Posted in Case Bearing Larva Caterpillars Pest Worms

Maggot Found Dragging Clumps of Fluff Up Walls is a Casemaking Clothes Moth Larva

“What fresh hell is this?” asks this reader about the larva-like creature buried in a piece of lint pictured below. He describes it as having a “long white body and dark head.”

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Posted in Indian Meal Moth Larvae Worms Found in the House Worms Generally

Maggot-like Creatures Roaming Kitchen are Pantry Moth Larvae

“Please help me with any information you can provide me about the four small worm/maggot-looking things in my kitchen today”, states this reader in her submission. She is referring to creatures that look like this little, grub-like organism pictured below, who appears to have a plump, white, segmented body.

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Posted in Caterpillars Worms Found in the House Worms Generally

Moth Infestation Spawns Concerns Over Parasites

“We seem to have an infestation of moths and what we’re thinking might be larvae,” states this reader in her submission regarding the array of photos below. Our reader wonders if the appearance of this moth and its larvae could be connected to parasites “in some way.”

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Posted in Case Bearing Larva Caterpillars Pest Worms

White Worms with Brown Heads Infesting Angora Couch are Casemaking Clothes Moth Larvae

“I’m really freaked out. Please help!” exclaims our reader in her submission concerning the larvae and casings she recently found in her sofa. “The worms are white with a tiny bit of brown on the end.”

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Posted in Caterpillars Garden Worms Inch Worms

Gray and Yellow Worms Forming Webs in Grandmother’s Plum Tree are Tent Caterpillars

“What kind of worms are these and how do you get rid of them?” asks this reader about the gray and yellow-patterned creatures in the photographs below. “They are ruining my grandmother’s plum tree,” our reader states.

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Posted in Caterpillars Garden Worms Inch Worms

Worm that Reminds Woman of “Alien vs Predator” is Just an Inchworm

“You are my last hope or I’m about to call it an alien invasion” says this reader, starting her query off with a bang. This beige, wood-colored worm-like creature “has no legs on the middle part of his body” and as a result “walks quite strange.”

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Posted in Composting Worms Pest Worms Worms Found in the House

Maggots Roaming Bathroom Floor Could be Clothes Moth Larvae or House Fly Larvae

“I have found about seven of these tiny white maggots on my bathroom floor this morning in various locations” states this reader about the short, maggot-like creatures pictured below. Our reader additionally asks where the creatures may be coming from and what she can do to get rid of them.

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Posted in Caterpillars Garden Worms Worms Generally

Strange, Green Caterpillar Found Near Garden is a Cutworm

“When I first saw it, I thought it was a small, skinny pinecone,” says this reader in Saskatchewan, Canada about the “weird caterpillar/grub” she found near her garden. The grub in question is a dark green color and has a body with clear segmentation.

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Posted in Caterpillars Worms Facts Worms Generally

Polka-dotted Pink Worm with Large Eye Spot is a Pandora Sphinx Moth Caterpillar

“I have never seen anything like it before,” says this reader of the worm-like creature she found in her kitchen one morning. The creature appears to have a segmented body, pink in color with small black dots, and has what appears to be a large, black and yellow eye spot at one end of its body.

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Posted in Caterpillars Worms Facts Worms Generally

“Yikes!” Say This Couple Upon Discovering Cluster of American Ermine Moth Larvae On Their Ceiling

“My wife and I saw something on our ceiling and thought it was a stain until I got closer with a flashlight and realized it was moving,” writes this couple about a cluster of larvae they discovered in their home. From our reader’s description of them, it is clear that the larvae are minuscule in size, and in addition to that the larvae appear to be a gray translucent color with black heads.

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Posted in Army Worms Garden Worms Pest Worms

Gray and Black Caterpillar is a Budding Fall Armyworm

A gray caterpillar-like creature with a glossy black head was found by this reader, who asks what kind of “worm” it is and where it is coming from. This article will do its best to answer these questions and provide some insightful information on this specific organism.

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Posted in Caterpillars Garden Worms Inch Worms

Tiny, Skinny Little Thing On Shorts is Likely an Inchworm

“I found this tiny, skinny little thing on my shorts after coming home from a run,” says this reader, who asks if we can identify the worm-like creature. Although it is difficult to tell from the photograph, which was taken at a distance from the worm, the creature appears to be a dark color (perhaps a black or dark brown), with a thin, elongated body.

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Posted in Caterpillars Garden Worms Worms Generally

Fuzzy, Brown Creature Nibbling on Geraniums Could Be Cream-spot Tiger Moth & Fox Moth Caterpillars

“Who is this guy nibbling my geraniums?” asks this reader, who states she does not “have the heart to evict him and his buddies.” This creature “and his buddies”, as photographed by our reader, appear to have brown, fuzzy bodies, and are perhaps an inch in length, judging from the size comparison to our reader’s fingernail.

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Posted in Caterpillars Garden Worms Inch Worms

Maroon Worm Found On Bed Comforter is an Inchworm

“The tiny thread-thin worm taped to the card […] was crawling, inch-worm-like on my bed comforter one night” says this reader, perfectly encapsulating her experience with the worm in the photo below. The “inch-worm-like” creature in the photo is a brownish-red color, is lying on its side in a shape that inchworms do make when they make their way across a surface, and is, from what we can tell, quite small in size.

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Posted in Caterpillars Interesting Worms Worms Facts

The Japanese Emperor Caterpillar and Why it has Taken the Internet by Storm

A certain, cute critter has recently taken the internet by storm with its ridiculously adorable appearance that has people all over the world going ‘awww’ at just the sight of it. This article is going to provide a brief introduction to the Japanese emperor butterfly caterpillar and explain what it is about the caterpillar that so many find appealing.

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Posted in Caterpillars Indian Meal Moth Larvae Worms Found in the House

Orange Worms Found in Kitchen are Indianmeal Moth Larvae

Orange worms have been popping up all around this woman’s kitchen, and she wonders how she can get rid of them, and where they originate from. Besides being orange, the worm in the photograph appears to perhaps be somewhat transparent, is minuscule in size, and has a brown head.

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Posted in Caterpillars Garden Worms Worms Generally

Black, Segmented Worm is an Intermediate Hooded Owlet Moth Caterpillar

Photographs of a worm was taken by this reader, who asks what it might be. The worm in question is black in color, with ridges that segment its body. It also appears to be have thin appendages that protrude from one end of its body.

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Posted in Caterpillars Worms Found in the House Worms Generally

Hairy, Black Caterpillars with Yellow Dots are Likely Scarce Footman Moth Larvae

Tiny, black worms have been infesting the house of this reader, who wonders if we can tell her what they are. Our reader, who lives in Sri Lanka, describes the worms as being black and hairy, with a column of yellow dots running the length of its body, and being 1mm-1cm in length.