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Posted in Hook Worms Parasite Worms Whipworm

Worms in Pets and What To Do About Them

There are many wonders and joys to owning a pet, but along with the enormous responsibility they impose, there are unfortunately also a lot of complications that one might have to overcome, such as health problems. One of the health problems that both dogs and cats alike can face are intestinal worms.

worm perhaps mucus
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Posted in Morgellons Disease Parasite Worms Worms Found in the House

Fearful Mom Wants to Identify Worm or Parasite

One of our readers, a mother of four with many pets, sent us a series of photographs of specimens found…

Posted in Heart Worms Hook Worms Parasite Worms Round Worms Tapeworm Whipworm

How to Identify Parasite Worms

You can identify them by becoming familiar with the way common parasite worms look or you may browse through images online.

Posted in Cat Worms Dog Worms Parasite Worms

Roundworm Infection in Pets

Before examining your pet’s feces and paws, it is important to know the difference between how certain parasitic worms look. Roundworms look like spaghetti and tapeworm segments look like grains of rice.

Posted in Cat Worms Dog Worms Heart Worms Hook Worms Parasite Worms Round Worms Tapeworm

Preventing the Spread of Worms Among Household Pets

Learn how to protect your pets when one of them has worms by preventing the spread of worms between pets. Before taking preventative measures for protecting pets, a vet should identify the specific parasitic infection.

Posted in Dog Worms Heart Worms Parasite Worms

Worms in Dogs

Worms in dogs are commonly found in the intestinal tract and sometimes in the heart. Professional treatment and owner prevention are critical to the well-being of your canine companion.