Pinhead-sized Bugs are Carpet Beetle Larvae

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“I found these pinhead-sized, little bugs that move like a worm and look like a larva”, writes Maya about the bristly, brown creature pictured below. “I have kept my laundry room clean. Not sure what they are?” Fortunately for Maya, though the picture is not super clear, we have encountered these creatures so often that we know exactly what she has been finding in her laundry room: carpet beetle larvae. Unfortunately for Maya, carpet beetle infestations can begin no matter how clean a laundry room is kept, because they can start anywhere in the home. This is because carpet beetle larvae feed on organic-based, textile materials, which are often found in most rooms of a house.

For example, carpet beetle larvae feed on bed sheets and clothing, which are commonly found in a bedroom, but they also feed on upholstery (living room), towels (bathroom), and dried food goods such as pet food and cereals (kitchen) — though this last option only applies to some species of carpet beetles. They even feed on loose hair and fur, which is usually all over a home. Now, Maya only photographed one of these larvae, but mentions finding multiple. It is possible she is facing an infestation, which should be dealt with as soon as possible, as carpet beetle infestations only become harder to eliminate and control the longer they go on.

Maya is lucky to have spotted one of the larvae, as often a carpet beetle infestation will go unnoticed for quite some time because they hide in the food they eat. For example, as their name suggests, carpet beetle larvae like to eat carpets and rugs, and will often be found on the edges of them, or underneath them, making them hard to spot. The best way to eliminate an infestation is to vacuum the entire home and launder any infested, and potentially-infested, textile items. Even laundering those items that are not visibly infested, but were in the vicinity of those items that were, or that are organically based (cotton, wool, silk, or even a blend of organic and synthetic materials), is important as the eggs of the carpet beetle are difficult to see with the naked eye. On top of that, to prevent future infestations, it’s important to keep an eye on garments and other fabrics that are often left sitting without being used. It might even be a good idea to store such items in vacuum-sealed bags. Likewise, regularly vacuuming one’s home helps prevent infestations from happening.

In conclusion, the bristly bugs that Maya found are carpet beetle larvae. They are not harmful to humans or pets, though we should mention that they can cause an allergic rash. We hope this helps, and we wish Maya the very best.


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Pinhead-sized Bugs are Carpet Beetle Larvae
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Pinhead-sized Bugs are Carpet Beetle Larvae
"I found these pinhead-sized, little bugs that move like a worm and look like a larva", writes Maya about the bristly, brown creature pictured below. "I have kept my laundry room clean. Not sure what they are?" Fortunately for Maya, though the picture is not super clear, we have encountered these creatures so often that we know exactly what she has been finding in her laundry room: carpet beetle larvae. Unfortunately for Maya, carpet beetle infestations can begin no matter how clean a laundry room is kept, because they can start anywhere in the home. This is because carpet beetle larvae feed on organic-based, textile materials, which are often found in most rooms of a house.

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Author: Worm Researcher Anton

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