Ring Worm Treatment

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Ring worm treatment is available in many different forms. Depending on the location and severity of the infection, your doctor may prescribe something as mild as an over-the-counter medicated shampoo or as powerful as a round of potent antibiotic pills. The good news is that overall, ring worm can be treated fairly easy with these medicated shampoos or oral medications, as well a with a number of prescription creams. When using most types of ring worm treatment options, symptoms typically disappear within four weeks of treatment.

Topical ring worm treatment options include: Cruex cream, Desenex cream, Lotrimin cream, lotion, and solution), miconazole (Monistat-Derm cream), ketoconazole (Nizoral cream), and terbinafine (Lamisil cream and solution). Many of these treatment options are effective for foot fungus as well.

Oral ring worm treatment options include: griseofulvin (Fulvicin, Grifulvin, and Gris-PEG), terbinafine, itraconazole (Sporanox), and fluconazole (Diflucan). When used properly, these teatment options are not bad for the liver as many people might believe they are.

Effective medicated shampoos include: Selsun Blue or anti-fungal shampoos that contain ketoconazole 2% (Nizoral) or the newer ciclopriox.

About Ring Worms

Ring worms, also spelled “ringworms,” are human parasites. Often referred to as “circle worms,” these human parasites (and many others) are often misunderstood. Some people refer to human parasites as “belly worms” and some people even believe that belly worms actually live in the belly button. They also believe that ring worms are actual worms. Neither is true. The truth is, belly worms do not live in the belly button. They live deep inside the stomach and the intestines of humans and animals. The words “ring worms” are very misleading mainly because ring worms are not actual “worms.” Ring worms is a fungal disease of the skin and hair. People refer to ring worms as “circle worms” because of the circle shape that it forms on the skin.

Ring worm comes from dermatophytes or microscopic organisms. The organisms consume the dead outer layers of the skin. The fungus also grows on the hair and nails. On the skin, it can look like the infected person has a worm growing underneath the skin. The worm takes the shape of a ring, hence the name ringworm. Other symptoms of ringworm include sores, itching, and reddened skin. Ringworm can appear on any area of the skin, even the groin area or the feet.

Ring Worm Prevention

Human parasites can cause dozens of different problems in human systems from allergies and asthma to inflammation and immune system deficiency. You can prevent human parasites by cooking foods thoroughly, drinking pure water, washing all fruits and vegetables thoroughly, and washing your hands regularly, especially after using the restroom, handling pets or changing diapers.


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Author: The Top Worm

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